Thursday, January 13, 2011

New week, new post

last week's goals

Eat half my plate in veggies at dinner most nights: I did this most days and at lunch as well.
Work out 3 times this week: I worked out four times last week!
create a budget for January: Boo I never did this. I need the husband to sit down and do this with me. It might help if I mentioned it to him! ;)
Start C25K program: This I did do and I proud to make it a regular part of my workouts.
Blog at least twice this week: I also was able to accomplish this, but as you can tell I have been aol since last week.
Give myself a mani and pedi: Ugh! I never did this, not sure why I had plenty of time.

This week's goals

Eat half my plate in veggies at dinner most nights: I am already struggling with this one this week.
Workout at least three times: Last night I made it to the gym and Monday I shoveled the whole driveway for the first time. It was a great workout leaving me sore until today.
Create a training plan for 5k, 10K, and half marathon I want to run this year.
Create budget template for next month based on this month expenses.
Give myself a mani and pedi.

My work is closed Monday for Martin Luther King's day, woo hoo!  I love bankers hours.  With my brand new PTO I am taking off tomorrow as well!  Yay for 4 day weekends.  I am hoping to get some stuff done around the house, maybe get that mani and pedi taken care of, work on training plan, run, get ready for my semester that starts next week, and read.  What a hefty list! 

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